Do you know that there’s actually a Sleep Awareness Week designated for one week in March? This annual event was created by the National Sleep Foundation in order to promote better sleep to increase overall health and well-being. Every year this Sleep Awareness week is determined by the start of daylight savings time when most of us lose 1 hour of sleep. For 2021, Sleep Awareness Week starts on March 14th-20th.
On an average, adults should be getting around 7-9 hours of sleep and more for teenagers and children. Next to eating and exercise, sleep is just as important in our daily living. Sleep is a time for us to recharge and when our sleep is affected in any way, we can no longer function and our bodies manifest as unexplainable symptoms such as headaches, tiredness, irritability, unable to focus, or general feeling of unwell.
‘The National Sleep Foundation’s 2020 Sleep in America poll finds that Americans feel sleepy on an average of three days a week, with many saying it impacts their daily activities, mood, mental acuity, productivity and more.’
If you are feeling any of the following symptoms, then perhaps it’s time to address your sleep and rebalance you nutritionally and hormonally so you can get a better night of rest to start your new day.
- Feeling ‘Eeh’ all day
- Waking up feeling unrested
- Needing a mid-day nap
- Falling asleep before dinner
- Trouble falling asleep, tossing and turning for hours
- Waking up frequently at night and not able to fall back asleep
Dr. Melody is Medical Director of Bay Area Natural Medicine Center and founder of Abundant Vitamins (online professional grade supplement website). She’s been in practice for 20 years specializing in IBD (colitis & crohn’s), anxiety / depression / insomnia, eczema, and women’s health. Refer to and for more info.
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